Sebi has altered exposure standards relating to suggestion of record date to stock trades. Under the standards, recorded organizations will insinuate the record date for corporate occasions, including profit affirmation, reward offer and rights issue, to stock trades.
An organization is required to educate every stock trade where it is recorded or where stock subordinates are accessible on its stock or where its stock structure some portion of a file on which subsidiaries are accessible.
The record date is with the purpose of declaration of dividend; issue of right or bonus shares; issue of shares for conversion of debentures or any other convertible security . shares emerging out of rights connected to debentures or some other convertible security and corporate activities like mergers, de-mergers, parts and Bonus .
To offer impact to this, Sebi has altered LODR (Listing and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, the Sebi said in a notice .
Record date, in advertise speech alludes to a specific date fixed by giving organization when a speculator should claim offers to be qualified to get corporate profits or extra offers among others.
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